About Eggasus

Our mission: To create a vehicle for the future today with zero emission, an eye-catching, out-of-this-world design, to move you quietly from place to place or building to building in comfortable all-weather enclosure.

A new vehicle called Eggasus is planning to launch its egg-shaped vehicles in the USA this fall.  Eggasus is a completely unique, quiet, futuristic personal transportation device.  We currently have a running prototype.  It was designed to move a single passenger quietly from place to place or building to building in a comfortable, all-weather enclosure. USA Today recently stated that vehicles like this could be the cars of tomorrow, but why wait?  Reserve your Egg now and travel in comfort and style with zero-emissions and no gas. Order a dozen Eggs and be the first dealer or corporate campus in your state.

The Eggasus team has been involved in prototype vehicle design, engineering and construction an production of specialty gas and electric vehicles for over 25 years. They have built concept cars for some of the largest automotive companies in the world as well as specialty race cars. They have also been involved in the design and engineering of two and three-wheeled vehicles. They have successfully designed and manufactured a line of all terrain vehicles as well as aquatic propulsion devices. Over 100,000 of these vehicles have been manufactured and marketed worldwide with some of them earning international awards. The designers have also built custom, ground-up vehicles for premiere auto show exhibitions and several vehicles that have been featured in major hollywood movies. Eggasus is the next step in transportation. A little glimpse of the future.

Learn more at http://www.eggasus.com.

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